Ecological consultancies that sign up to the Corporate Membership Scheme promoted by Kent Reptile and Amphibian Group are entitled to significant discounts on database search fees. In addition to other benefits, Corporate Members that regularly contribute records to KRAG are entitled to FREE database search fees and FREE access to KRAG's online risk assessment tool.
The database search results generated by the KRAG database have now been updated to clearly identify the organisation that contributed each record. As an added bonus, the kml files that are provided for viewing in Google Earth also include the logo of the data provider. Clicking the logo takes a user directly to the organisation's website.
This is an excellent way for Corporate Members to let everybody know that they are making a significant contribution to KRAG's recording efforts. There are currently 7 organisations signed up to KRAG's Corporate Membership Scheme, but at the moment only one of them contributes records to KRAG. Can you guess which one it is...